His Eminence Lobsang Nyima, the 100th Gaden Throne Holder
In 1929, His Eminence Lobsang Nyima was born to Mr. Lobsang Tsering and Mrs., Yeshi Lhamo at Changmarsing of TsawaRong. TsawaRong is of Tsawa Gang Rong (Range and plain) an integral part Khan MarDzoSer-soom. He was born on a lunar eclipse day considered very auspicious. His mother dreamt of preparing a throne and enthronement ceremonies prior to his welcome birth. He had his initial basic studies of writing, reading and Nyingma traditional rituals from Gen Ngawang Yeshi, a reputed Nyingma scholar. He, due to his strong past affinity to the practice of Dharma, would often act as a spiritual master to his fellow friends even during plays.
At the tender age of 12, he entered his native monastery Dagyul Wogthang Gon and received his novice vows from Venerable Rabten, the abbot of the monastery. Intelligent and great being as he is, he learnt all the rituals practices (Mahayana Buddhism) of the monastery and thoroughly mastered all of the monastery tradition of mandala making, playing all sorts of religious instruments etc plus grammar and literature within an amazingly short period impressing one and all.
In 1945, at the age of 17, aspiring for more knowledge, he set on for central Tibet enrolling himself into Drepung Loseling monastic University whole-heartedly sub-merged into the great monastic studies of the ‘five Treatises of Buddhism’ under the spiritual masters of His contemporary including the famed two great Tutors of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. During more than 12 years prior to 1959, true to his great potential, he had memorized a mind blowing number of Texts verbatim and actively participated in various Intra and Inter monastic Debates like Jan-gunchoe (Annual Inter Monastic Debate on Pramana (logic) at Jang) which he did not miss even once.
All these under a very meager living amenities, well illustrated by his repeated running out of Tsampa (Burley flour) to return from memorizing Text-retreats at secluded caves only in search of some Tsampa. Once, in such a situation, he saw a deer-carcass at the mouth of his cave on his return to the monastery, a real gift to a sincere aspirant by the Dharma Protectors-enabling him to continue his pursuit.
Being very well versed in all the Tantric Rituals he was approached by the merchants co- of mardo Ser-soon to become an attendant at a Temple built and managed by them near Lhasa.
Despite a very hard living as a Dharma student, he blankly declined the prospect of a very lucrative life as a Temple attendant, giving higher priority to long term goal for which he had left his native and parents over short term material gains.
He had the great opportunity to study under spiritual masters of the calibre Gyalrong Khensur rinpoche Jampel Samphel, Tsulkhang Khensur Gen Yeshi Thupten, Phara Khenchen Gen Pema Gyaltsen, Phara Gen Atso, Sharkor KhenRinpoche Gen Nyima Gyaltsen, Toetsam TulkuJampel Thinley Yonten Gyatso, Tehor Geshe Sonam Gonpo, Denma Lochoe Rinpoche, Gen Jamyang Nyima etc.
He also had the great privilege to attend the sacred teaching of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, His Holiness 19th Panchen Rinpoche Ertini Choekyi Gyaltsen, Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijaing Rinpoche, Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, Kyabje Song Rinpoche, Kyabje Chogyed Trichen Rinpoche, Kyabje Taklung Tsetul Rinpoche, Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche, and many other scholar-saints of all four lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.
He shouldered the obligatory one-year duty of housemaster of Tsawa Khangtsen with great efficiency while in Madhyamaka class.
He initially planned to be a wandering hermit at unspecified caves, but the Chinese invasion shattered his dream and he followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama into India bypassing Bhutan.
Having had to feed on ‘beetle leaves himself for several days en-route his escape enhanced his reverence for the Great Yogi Milerapa.
Like his fellow monks, he continued his monastic studies at Buxar, in North-east India post -1959. Above his rigorous studies, he had been taking many lessons for the young aspirants and compounded by acclimatization, unhygienic environment, malnutrition, he suffered lung Tuberculosis (Very much a dreaded one then).
He, along-with other patients were sent to a Christian Hospital in South India for treatment.
During his two years at the hospital, he also learnt some basics of English above being keeping in close touch with his vast and deep Buddhist studies.
Returning to Buxar after full treatment, he was selected among an Elite Group of young monks for further studies at Sampuranand Sanskrit University, Varanasi and received his Archarya Degree (Equivalent to M.A.).
In 1972, he became a Highly Qualified 1st Ranked Lharampa Geshe and through his debate and answers, his reputation as a great scholar got noticed and soared eternally witnessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and many other renowned scholars at a high level examination conducted at Dharamsala for the Lharampas on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s behest.
Unquenched yet, he took great effort to master the Tantric teachings and received all the sacred transmissions instructions from scores of spiritual masters like His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and others. His brief study of Sanskrit at Varanasi had made a great difference while studying Tantric, later.
He then moved on to Gyudmed Tantric University (at Dhalhousie then) and made maximum out of his one-year by building on his already sound foundation of Tantra. In fact, gifted with exceptional intelligence and determination, he became to embody a holistic Sutra and Tantra practices in all its forms.
In 1974, he was appointed as the abbot of Gyudmed Tantric University by His Holiness Dalai Lama coinciding the Holy arrival of Jetsun Sherab Senge’s gold-copper stature ( placed in the prayer hall at present) from Nepal was believed to be a very auspicious sign. His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his two supreme Tutors especially Kyabje Trijaang Rinpoche had taken special responsibility in making this statue a very holy one by giving many unbelievably hard to get relics to be placed inside the statue.
On the day of his enthronement as the abbot a statue of Jetsun Sherab Senge got dismantled on it’s own. Many read it as the arrival of Je Sherab Senge in person rendering no need for a statue.
His abbotship saw Gyudmed Tantric University making great stride forward in preserving the old sacred curriculums as he himself is very familiar with all aspects of it.
Many elder monks felt that the sudden disappearance of khar-nga (Drum as a ringing Bell to call prayers etc) on the evening of his successful completion of Abbot reaffirms him as the true manifestation of Je Sherab Senge.
In 1976 (fire-Dragon year), he was summoned to Ladhak by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to attend the Kalachakra Initiation there. Soon, he was appointed as the Abbot of Namgyal Monastery (His Holiness’s Private monastery). The monastery is among many other rich in unique tradition of kalachakra and hence it was very important for him to get familiar and master the Kalachakra Tantra. He was formally enthroned as the abbot of Namgyal monastery in 1976 on the auspicious occasion of Lhabab Thuechen 23rd 9th Tibetan Calendar (Buddha’s Decent from Heaven). During his over 10-years at Namgyal Monastery under the supreme guidance and supervision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, he revamped whole set-up of it into a systematic 10-year studies ranging from Duedra (preliminary collected works on dialectics) to the highest level of Tantra class. And the successful graduation of 1st batch of the monastery in 1985 impressed and won many accolades from all fronts. All these years, he had teachings on all subjects from Duedra to Tantra and going on supervising-rounds at the Debating courtyard whenever time permits him.
In 1983, he, ascended the Throne of Jangtse Choeje (immediate stoppage post to Golden Gaden throne from Gaden Jangtse side) above being the abbot of Namgyal monastery. And in 1986, he was relieved of the responsibility of Namgyal Monastery Abbot and His Holiness the Dalai Lama – showed during an audience with him seeking departure leave great pleasure at his sincere effort and hard work put, giving Namgyal monastery a face-lift and urge him to continue teaching the youngsters at Drepung Loseling monastery University.
Namgyal monastery, in gratitude for his great deeds offered him Tenshuk (Request for Eternal-life) prayers before he left for South India.
Back in Drepung Monastic University reputed to be the 2nd Nalanda University of yore India, he continued his extensive teachings of all five major Texts from Duedra to Abhidharmakosh /Vinaya as per His Holiness’s guidance.
Also, had Tantra lessons for Geshes bringing daily classes up to 7-8 periods of 1 hour. He bestowed hundreds of novice vows and many Bhikshu (fully ordained) vows to the monks.
He, seeing the urgent need to have Geshe Lharampas worth the prestigious title and in consultation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, took the pioneering initiative and responsibility to make the exams very authentic, transparent and strict one, introducing a 3 debates per subject of the Five Major Texts. This was certainly a great milestone in the long glorious history of Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism paving way for later more systematic present day Annual Gelug Monastic University Examination appeared only by top cream layers of all major Gelug Monasteries mainly Sera Drepung Gaden.
And in 1994, he deservingly ascended the Golden Throne of Lama Je Tsongkha and thus became the 100th Gaden Tripa Rinpoche. There is a popular saying among our predecessors that 100th Gaden Tripa would be a manifestation of the great Je Tsongkha in person, gaining an added significance. In 2001 (iron-Dragon year), he was conferred the coveted Honorary Doctorate Degree by Tibetan Institute of Higher Studies, Varanasi for his all-round knowledge on both Sutra and Tantra.
Backed by unwavering, rational and reasoned faith, he has always been a staunch supporter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s supreme vision and lent helping hand whenever necessary. His sincerity and wholehearted shouldering of every responsibility won him the heart of everyone. It was no different when the ugly ‘Shukten controversy’ wreaked havoc in Tibetan society. He stood solidly behind His Holiness and made several public statements making clear of his and the official support of the Gelugpa Order to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on this issue.
Later that year, he on behalf of His Holiness gave discourses on LamTso Nam-soom (3-principal paths to enlightenment) and White Tara Long-life Initiations to over 4 lakhs of people from around the globe at a special Monlam Chenmo of SeDreGa-soom at Both Gaya.
And a great misfortune befell us around that time in the form of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s severe food poisoning, rendering all Tibetans senseless in desperation. He very much moved and saddened at the grave prospect, fore-going many prostrations and kneeling in front of him, with tearful eyes pleaded with His Holiness to live eternally muttering the following spontaneous sincere words from the core of his heart
“Helpless people of the Snow Land (Tibet)
Until the very end of Samsaric world
With unmatched three divine deeds of yours
Be provided the four excellences (of dharma, wealth, wish
And nirvana) with your Eternal-living.”
This, His Holiness had reiterated on several occasions, had been a real Tenshuk (prayer for Eternal-Living) and a catalyst for his intentional speedy recovery. He is not only well versed in spiritual matters but also mastered the intricate arts of poetry and grammar. His great work of writing includes
1. Religious history and prayers for Lineages of abbots of Gyudmed Tantric Monastery.
2. An eulogy of Maitreya (Gyalwa Jampa)
3. Prayers for rebirth in the Land of Blissful.
4. Eulogy of Rigchema.
5. Three-realms-summoning iron-hook of Fortune summoning Ritual.
6. Prayers for long-life and swift return of incarnations of many high Lamas
and many others.
His teachings have effected many spiritual masters of the caliber Gyutoe Khensur Tsulkhang Gen Dorje, Tehor Trungsar Tulku, Tsawa Lhading Tulku and most of the present young Tulkus of the monastery and beyond.
Even after his retirement from Gaden Tripa in 2002, above being meticulous practitioner of a holistic Buddhism, he continued to take several lessons on Sutra and Tantra daily. He did raise the Crown of Gelugpa Order higher and higher through extensive teachings of initiations, transmissions and instructions lineages.
In short, right from his enrollment, he made every effort to simultaneously practice what he learns and he took every responsibility reposed on him in right stride, standing up firmly for the challenges coming along. All the while, quenching the spiritual thirst of thousands of devout followers of different nationalities in according to their taste and level of understanding.
All the more, at this critical juncture, he has been a reliable helping-hand to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a source of great inspiration and divine object of reverence and merit-cultivation for us followers.
Let’s pray ad wish him a very long and healthy life ahead, so vital for the Buddha Dharma and well fare of all sentient beings.
OBITUARY: His Eminence the 100th Ganden Tripa Lobsang Nyima
Dharamshala: The Central Tibetan Administration expressed its heartfelt condolences over the demise of His Eminence Lobsang Nyima Pal Sangpo, the 100th holder of Ganden Tripa.
His Eminence Lobsang Nyima - who ascended to the highest position in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism in 1994 - passed away after a brief illness at Kles Hospital and MRC at Belgaum in southern India, on the 14th day of seventh Tibetan lunar month and 14 September. He was 79.
As a mark of respect, the officials of the administration observed an hour-long prayer session at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, following which the departments and the offices remained close.
Expressing condolences on behalf of the CTA, the department of religion and culture and Buddhist followers in general, Kalon Ven Tsering Phuntsok described the Ganden Trisur as "one of the most accomplished masters of Tibetan Buddhism, who has offered great service to the spiritual and temporal heritage of Tibet."
In 1945, at the age of 17, Gaden Trisur Lobsang Nyima began his spiritual learning on 'Five Treatises of Buddhism' under the tutelage of former tutors of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, at the Drepung Loseling Monastic University in Tibet.
He received many degrees and posts, including Lharampa Geshe, abbot of Gyudmed Tantric University, abbot of Namgyal Monastery, Jangtse Choeje and an honorary doctorate degree conferred by Tibetan Institute of Higher Studies, Varanasi.
Apart from achieving excellence in spiritual learning, he mastered the intricate arts of poetry and grammar.
His great work of writing includes "Religious History and Prayers for Lineages of abbots of Gyudmed Tantric Monastery", "An Eulogy of Maitreya (Gyalwa Jampa)" and "Prayers for Long-Life and Swift Return of Incarnations of Many High Lamas".
Former Ganden Tripa Stays on 'Thukdam' for 18 Days
Dharamshala, October 6 – Doctors and researchers at the Drepung monastery were amazed to witness a rare spectacle in the south Indian Tibetan settlement of Mungod. His eminence Lobsang Nyima, the former Gaden Tripa, who passed away on September 14, stayed in Thukdham for 18 days, till 1st October.
Thukdham, as per Tibetan Buddhist Tantric practice, is explained as a stage in which a highly learned lama or practitioner with his life time practice of meditation is able to meditate on the ‘Clear Light Stage’, an ultimate process of inner dissolution of five elements and consciousness. The practitioners, while in Thukdham, are able to control their body from decomposition and to maintain the internal body heat.
Tenzin Namdul, a Tibetan doctor at the Men-Tsee-Khang, and Dr. Yangzom Dolker of Delek hospital, were sent to Mundgod, South India to scientifically investigate the effect of Thukdham on Trisur Rinpoche's body. Thukdham project was initiated last December in collaboration with Dr. Richard Davidson's brain imaging laboratory at University of Wisconsin under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, says Dr. Namdul. The doctors measured the effect of Thukdham on Rinpoche's body through EEG, ECG and body temperature using latest scientific equipment.
Tibetans as well as Indians thronged Drepung for Rinpoche’s blessing. A team of researchers and scientists from Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation from Bangalore arrived to witness what they later termed as a "scientific breakthrough in the effect of intense meditation". Another team of senior doctors and neuroscientists from Belgaum’s KLES Prabhakar Kore Hospital where Rinpoche breathed his last also arrived to witness the spectacle.
“The doctors commented this is something they need to see to believe and now that they have witnessed it, they said they are simply surprised and speechless. Both the team expressed strong desire in initiating a collaborative project on this important and complex subject”, Dr. Namdul said.
Some say that longer period of meditation will prolong the arrival of his reincarnation. Dalai Lama had asked the attendants of Gaden Trisur to allow the mediation to continue. Earlier, the Tibetan leader had said that scientists should examine the state of thukdham of Tibetan masters and Lamas.
Under guidance of Dalai Lama, Trisur Rinpoche's body will be mummified so that people can have his audience and be blessed by his presence, Dr. Namdul said.
Đức Dalai Lama sẽ hướng dẫn ướp nhục thân Lạt-ma Lobsang Nyima Rinpoche
BANGALORE, Ấn Độ, 14.10.2008 --- Nhà lãnh đạo tinh thần Tây Tạng, đức Dalai Lama sẽ hướng dẫn ướp nhục thân Lạt-ma Lobsang Nyima Rinpoche, tu viện Mundgod ở Karnataka, người được tin là trong 18 ngày vẫn còn giữ nguyên trong giai đoạn “Thukdham”, một giai đoạn sống sau khi viên tịch, ở đó nhục thân nằm trong trạng thái thiền, mà không bị phân hủy, và các cao tăng của Phật giáo Tây Tạng thường thực hành giai đoạn này ngay sau cái chết của thân xác vật lý.
Người ta cũng nói rằng, suốt giai đoạn đó, cơ thể duy trì khí ở bên trong. Nhưng, chỉ những ai có nhân cách siêu phàm về năng lực tâm linh mới có khả năng giữ cho cơ thể duy trì lượng khí đầy đủ sau khi viên tịch.
Bệnh viện KLE, ở Belgaum đã công bố Lạt-ma Lobsang Nyima viên tịch ngày 13/9/2008 (theo phayul.com là ngày 14/9/2008, - ND), nhưng theo tín ngưỡng đạo Phật, các đệ tử và Phật tử của ngài ở tu viện Mundgod cho rằng, lãnh đạo của họ đang ở giai đoạn “Thukdham” mà nếu kéo dài dẫn đến sự đầu thai.
Do đó, nhục thân cần được bảo quản, tôn kính, đảnh lễ, giống như những ngày qua, đã có nhiều người Tây Tạng và người địa phương vân tập về tu viện này chiêm bái. Khu định cư của người Tây Tạng tại Mundgod vị trí cách khoảng 6 giờ lái xe từ bang Goa. Khu định cư này lớn nhất ở Ấn Độ và được thành lập năm 1966. Hiện tại có 9 khu dân cư cùng với 2 tu viện và 1 ni viện.
Nhục thân đã không bị phân hủy qua vài tuần sau khi chết. Điều này khiến cho các học giả và tu sỹ Phật giáo, và y học hiện đại hết sức lưu tâm. Tenzin Namdul, một bác sỹ Tây Tạng ở Men-Tsee-Khang, và bác sỹ Yangzom Dolker của bệnh viện Delek đã được cử đến tu viện Mundgod để nghiên cứu tường tận một cách khoa học về sự ảnh hưởng của giai đoạn “Thukdham”.
Họ cùng với các nhà nghiên cứu, các nhà khoa học của Tổ chức Nghiên cứu Yoga Vivekananda Swami , ở Bangalore, và các bác sỹ bệnh viện KLE, đã đánh giá tình trạng của vị Lạt-ma này gần đây.
Các bác sỹ đã đo ảnh hưởng của tình trạng này trên nhục thân của Lạt-ma Rinpoche qua máy đo điện não đồ (EEG) và máy đo điện tâm đồ (ECG), và sử dụng thiết bị y học tối tân nhất để đo nhiệt độ cơ thể. Theo tin đã đưa của trang nhà Phayul, một trang thông tin của người Tây Tạng, thì các nhà khoa học và các học giả Phật giáo đã kết luận rằng, vị thầy tinh thần này đã duy trì giai đoạn “Thukdham” trong 18 ngày.
Bác sỹ của bệnh biện KLE, bác sỹ Vinay mahishal, người đã khám nghiệm vị Lạt-ma này và sau đó tuyên bố vị Lạt-ma đã viên tịch, cho hãng thông tấn DNA biết: “Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa là ngài đã viên tịch lâm sàng. Nhưng tôi ngạc nhiên thấy tình trạng nhục thân của vị thầy tinh thần này y nguyên lúc vừa viên tịch dù đã trải qua vài tuần sau khi viên tịch”.
Theo thông tin của trang nhà Phayul, công trình nghiên cứu giai đoạn “Thukdham” được đề xướng vào tháng 12 năm ngoái, với sự cộng tác của phòng thí nghiệm hình ảnh não bộ của bác sỹ Richard Davidson dưới sự hướng dẫn của đức Dalai Lama.
Như tin đã đưa, các đội nghiên cứu đến viếng đã biểu lộ thái độ hết sức kinh ngạc về sự hồng hào liên tục của sự viên tịch ấy, và đã đề nghị nghiên cứu sâu hơn về tình trạng này ngõ hầu có thể giúp làm sáng tỏ những bí ẩn của sống và chết. Tiến trình ướp nhục thân sẽ bắt đầu ngay khi đức Dalai Lama bình phục và khỏe mạnh, có thể đi lại được. Trong lúc chờ đợi, tu viện tiếp tục thu hút một số lượng lớn Phật tử và những người khác.
Thích Minh Trí biên dịch (Theo PK Surendran, DNA India)